Category: DevOps

O que ando aprendendo nesta caminhada sobre a Terra

Setting up an E-mail server

Tenho meu próprio servidor de e-mail utilizando ;Postfix, Dovecot, MariaDB, Spamassassin, ClamAV, Amavisd-new, Fail2ban, Nginx, Postfixadmin e Roundcube ;under CentOS 8.Although I already have several recipes on how to set up this package, It took me many hours to figure out how to keep the service running correctly, cada configuração no e no e no fim conseguir diminuir a enxurrada…
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Antispam para Servidores de E-mail

Já publiquei um tempo atrás um artigo mostrando como montei um servidor e e-mail utilizando as ferramentas mais comuns para ambiente OpenSource em Linux. Usei Postfix, Dovecot, Postfixadmin, Roundcube e Spamassassin. Agora vou mostrar uma outra ferramenta que é uma alternativa ao Spamassassin que é o MailCleaner.

Servidor de Email –; Part 4 ; Postfix 3

Part 1 ; Set up file This is the fourth part of the process of creating the mail server on a CentOS 8 and the first part of the Postfix configuration. If you came here by accident, better read one of the publications below first: Part 1 ; Installation of Part Packages 2 ; Configuração do MariaDB…
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Servidor de Email –; Part 3 ; Dovecot

This is the third part of the process of creating the mail server on a CentOS 8. If you came here by accident, better read first the previous publications Part 1 ; Installation of Part Packages 2 ; Set up MariaDB Dovecot is an MDA (Mail Delivery Agent) que é um agente que transporta as mensagens…
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Correcting modules not loaded error on Centos 6. x

A common problem after upgrading a kernel via yum on Centos is not creating the new kernel modules. An example of this error happens when you try to use grep as in the print below. # iptables-L-n | grep “;meu ip”; FATAL: Could not load/lib/modules/2.6.32-042stab123.9/modules.dep: No such file or directory # Isso indica…
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How to clear deferred messages from Postfix Queue

Avoid having a lot of e-mail messages in the delivery queue. Learn how to use the commands to view and remove items from MESSAGE queue using Postfix as MTA.

Servidor de Email –; Part 1 ; Necessary facilities

I have my own mail server using postfix, Dovecot, MariaDB, SpamAssassin, ClamAV, Amavisd-new, fail2ban, nginx, postfixadmin and roundcube under CentOS 7.Although I already have several recipes on how to configure this package, It took me many hours to figure out how to keep the service running correctly, cada configuração no e no e no fim conseguir diminuir…
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