Category: Linux

O que ando aprendendo nesta caminhada sobre a Terra

Chrome freezing on Ubuntu 22.02 Jammy Jellyfish

I’ve updated recently my Laptop with Ubuntu from 20.02 to 22.02 through apt in command line and after did it, my Chrome installed has a annoyng behavior. Every time that a download modal appears to save attachments or even to upload a file, Chrome stops working, freezing all tabs and menus. Its possible to quit…
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Setting up an E-mail server

Tenho meu próprio servidor de e-mail utilizando ;Postfix, Dovecot, MariaDB, Spamassassin, ClamAV, Amavisd-new, Fail2ban, Nginx, Postfixadmin e Roundcube ;under CentOS 8.Although I already have several recipes on how to set up this package, It took me many hours to figure out how to keep the service running correctly, cada configuração no e no e no fim conseguir diminuir a enxurrada…
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Docker on Ubuntu. Service nginx failed to build: ADD failed: stat /var/lib/docker/tmp/docker-builder(…)/ no such file or directory

Sometimes, when using Laradock, this error occurs after trying a container rebuild with no such file or directory message on docker-compose up -d –build nginx command. Its not clear to me what is the actual issue, but running the command with sudo, we can run it sucessfully. Seems that the regular user need access rights…
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Servidor de Email –; Part 4 ; Postfix 3

Part 1 ; Set up file This is the fourth part of the process of creating the mail server on a CentOS 8 and the first part of the Postfix configuration. If you came here by accident, better read one of the publications below first: Part 1 ; Installation of Part Packages 2 ; Configuração do MariaDB…
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Servidor de Email –; Part 3 ; Dovecot

This is the third part of the process of creating the mail server on a CentOS 8. If you came here by accident, better read first the previous publications Part 1 ; Installation of Part Packages 2 ; Set up MariaDB Dovecot is an MDA (Mail Delivery Agent) que é um agente que transporta as mensagens…
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Correcting modules not loaded error on Centos 6. x

A common problem after upgrading a kernel via yum on Centos is not creating the new kernel modules. An example of this error happens when you try to use grep as in the print below. # iptables-L-n | grep “;meu ip”; FATAL: Could not load/lib/modules/2.6.32-042stab123.9/modules.dep: No such file or directory # Isso indica…
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How to clear deferred messages from Postfix Queue

Avoid having a lot of e-mail messages in the delivery queue. Learn how to use the commands to view and remove items from MESSAGE queue using Postfix as MTA.

Como corrigir Data/hora no Centos 6.X para seu timezone inclusive nos logs

Hoje eu me deparei com um problema ao utilizar o Fail2ban que me ajuda demais a manter o servidor no ar mesmo sob ataques de brute-force. Um dos meus filtros não estavam barrando as diversas tentativas de autenticação em um dos meus serviços embora estivesse tudo certo. Resolvi aumentar o tempo de Findtime na configuração comum…
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Como corrigir erro de LOCALE no Linux Debian/Ubuntu

Hoje precisei olhar os logs de um servidor FTP que roda sob o pure-ftp e percebi que os horários estavam todos em UTC . Como eu precisava enviar parte dos logs a um terceiro que faz uso dele e não está familiarizado com sistemas, poderia acabar ocorrendo algum mal entendido. Resolvi então que deveria manter os logs…
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Servidor de Email –; Part 1 ; Necessary facilities

I have my own mail server using postfix, Dovecot, MariaDB, SpamAssassin, ClamAV, Amavisd-new, fail2ban, nginx, postfixadmin e roundcube sob o CentOS 7.Embora já tenha diversas receitas de como configurar este pacote, It took me many hours to figure out how to keep the service running correctly, cada configuração no e no e no fim conseguir diminuir…
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